The dog ate my homework 

Having just had a visit from our web designers who also do all the other “techy stuff” to make sure it appears on Google, we have been well and truly told off. Being old (that is over 40) I’m still under the misapprehension that birds tweet and the news comes from Radio 4. How wrong I am, we  need to twitter and the news comes from an app on your i-phone. Where is all this leading to…. blogging or more to the point were aren’t blogging enough. 250 words a day is the challenge we’ve been set, which is probably more than I churned out during my degree –  No excuses.  I doesn’t matter if nobody out there is reading it, Google is and Google apparently likes our blog and wants more of it.

Anyway, back to the matter in hand, what have we been up to. It won’t come as much of a surprise that we haven’t been too busy on drama productions – because most of them have been shelved or axed during the recession. The green shoots of recovery however have lead to a boom in advertising and this has kept us very busy.

Recent productions (or ones we are currently working on) include Three (Wind rain & snow), Powerade (smoke/fog), Nike(smoke), Co-op (Fire/Bar BQ), Warburtons(Stream & haze), to name a few and the time, effort and budget per minute that goes into these productions can be very significant.  The increase in this type of work is an indication of high regard that the Northwest film industry is held in and we are looking forward to the BBC’s move to Manchester and the opening of Media City.

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