Coronation Street Fireworks - 5-Nov-2012
It is clear that my blogs are not regular, unless yearly counts, mainly because I cannot blog at the time I do the effects as we have to adhere to confidentially clauses. By the time our work comes onto TV I have often forgotten all about it. However while sat watching Coronation Street after a long day at work on Bonfire Night I suddenly spot the fireworks I fired over a few nights some ...more
Filed under: fireworks — Tags: Coronation Street, Corrie, explosives, firework display, fireworks, Granada TV, ITV — Darren Wallis @ 10:10 pm
No Goldfish were harmed in the making of this production - 23-Apr-2009
It is a couple of years since we were involved in producing a comedy pilot for Granada TV with comedian Justin Edwards AKA Jeremy Lion, Children’s Entertainer, but the memories are as clear as if it were yesterday. Picture, if you can, a large (in fact very large) feathered pantomime goose, strapped to the roof of a Hillman Imp -if you are old enough to remember how implausibly small they ...more
Filed under: Fire & Smoke,Mechanical SFX,Random — Tags: Chocolate eggs, Granada TV, Jeremy Lion, special effects — Darren Wallis @ 9:52 am